Part of the Charm, 14x11, 2017

Last week i spent 5 wonderful days at Samish Island, alternately painting, walking, and visiting nearby Edison. There is one house in the town which always intrigues me, and I have sketched it many times on past visits. It appears to be an ordinary mid-century construction, but what attracts my attention is the shape of the shadows.

Painting is mostly about light and shadow, and these two intertwined elements are important for both defining a shape and for dramatic impact. The shaded sides of the home and bay window create a three-dimensional look. But it is the dark cast shadow under the eaves which draws and holds the viewer’s eye.

To form the cast shadow, i brushed warmer tones in the crevices, and cooler hues toward the edges.  I left part of the house white in order to create strong contrast between the front of the house and the darkness of the shadow shape. Later I dropped in dark colors in the upper windows to further bring attention to the area surrounding the shadow.

Looking at the finished image (“Part of the Charm,” 14×11), brings back a little of the magic that the actual place inspired.